Volunteer of the Month – August 2020
Jared Slade is a partner with Alston & Bird.
1. How did you first get involved in pro bono?
In law school, I participated in a Community Economic Development Clinic and did pro bono via the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. But it was when I was a summer associate at a law firm in town that I was taught pro bono was both a way to give back and develop important skills.
2. What types of cases have you accepted?
I started with some basic estate planning matters and no kids-no property divorces. Then I graduated into a few consumer matters (like a foundation repair dispute). I also accepted a pair of federal court pro bono appointments, including a wage-and-hour defense under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
3. Why do you do pro bono?
Because people need our help.
4. What impact has pro bono service had on your career?
An immense one – pro bono secured my first client, my first jury trial (and win), and my first formal firm leadership role.
5. What is the most unexpected benefit you have received from doing pro bono?
Getting in Headnotes as one of DVAP’s Finest. Seriously, though, the mentoring opportunities. Folks are exceptionally open to strategizing about issues in pro bono cases.