Volunteer of the Month – July 2018
Firm: Spring Law Firm
1. How did you first get involved in pro bono?
Starting in the late 1980’s with a large firm, I knew I wanted to work with individuals as I had time. As my available time increased (that takes a while in a big firm!), I got involved first with clinics in South Dallas, then Garland.
2. Describe your most compelling pro bono case.
The one when I represented a consumer who had been sold a “lemon”, so we were set against a car dealership, car manufacturer, and their national credit company. The day we all met and my 84-year old client handed his set of keys to the “lemon” over to the car companies and received a large check in return was a very satisfying experience.
3. Why do you do pro bono?
The price of legal services has gone way beyond the means of working and middle class families. And, “to whom much is given, is much required.”
4. What impact has pro bono service had on your career?
Nice change, really. Most of my practice involves real estate or fights over money. I enjoy the break I get by helping individuals.